The United States Admitted Surveillance Flights to a Situation in Venezuela

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The United States and its Latin American allies are concerned about the situation in Venezuela and its impact on the security of the region and that is why they carry out “totally professional” surveillance flights to better understand what is happening in the South American nation, said the Chief of Command South on Saturday, almost a week after denouncing that a Russian-made Venezuelan aircraft insecurely intercepted one of such reconnaissance aircraft, AP publishes.

“We are focusing on what is happening and trying to understand what is happening in order to help bring peace to the people of Venezuela,” Navy Admiral Craig Faller, head of the U.S. Southern Command, told The Associated Press.

With regard to reconnaissance flights, he added that “we have been totally professional, a marked difference with the actions of the Maduro regime”.

Faller offered his statements in a brief interview with the AP at the port of this neighboring city of Miami, where the US Navy introduced a new warship.

His comments took place after the Southern Command revealed last week that an EP-3 reconnaissance military aircraft was intercepted “unprofessionally” by a Sukhoi Su-30 fighter bomber from the Venezuelan Air Force at an unsafe distance, a maneuver which put the life of the crew and the mission of the aircraft at risk.

Nicolás Maduro’s regime reported that his country’s aerospace defense system detected and intercepted the US plane on July 19, alleging that it violated international air treaties. After describing the incident as a provocation, Chavismo authorities denounced that three days later there was a new incursion of a US aircraft and stressed that so far this year there have been 78 violations of Venezuelan airspace by such aircraft.

The questions about flights take place at a time when both countries maintain tense relations.

He argued that the US military works closely with strong allies such as Colombia and Brazil, to share intelligence, conduct exercises and joint training.

Reserved when offering details or explanations, the military added that it is up to the government of President Donald Trump, and not him, to decide the policy towards Venezuela, but stressed that the influence Russia and Cuba are exerting on Maduro is “unfortunate” .

“We see these invaders, Cuba and Russia, supporting Maduro and it is a very difficult situation for security, for the people,” said Faller, the military chief in charge of Latin America and the Caribbean.


Source: Diariodelosandes