The Strange Incident of Maury Island

The UFO incident on Maury Island was a sighting that witnessed crew members of a logging ship. On June 21, 1947, a ship led by Harold Dahl went out to collect floating logs at sea.

The worker was accompanied by his son and his dog, who had fun taking a ride on the barge.

According to Dahl’s testimony, about two o’clock in the afternoon they saw six circular ships flying above them. The ships were still at a height close to five hundred meters.

He described them as thirty meters in diameter and with a hole in the center.

They had observation windows throughout their circumference. They seemed to be made of a kind of shiny metal.

Five ships surrounded one that seemed to have trouble maintaining balance. The object of the center began to descend towards them to a height of almost one hundred meters away. Seeing the movement, Harold directed his ship toward the shore to get away from UFOs.

Almost at the same time, one of the five disks above descended to the damaged ship.

The witness says that suddenly, the ship with problems began to throw debris that looked like metal into the sea. Some fell near the shore of the beach and were later picked up by the air forces.

Dahl said he was able to pick up some of the pieces thrown by the UFO before the arrival of the army.

When he analyzed them, the objects threw more metallic fragments of dark reddish color. The rain of metal debris killed the dog and wounded Harold’s son.

After dumping the waste, the UFOs disappeared and the ship returned to the sawmill. The worker told what happened to his supervisor Fred Crisman, who did not believe him.

Although it is said that some alleged photographs taken by Dahl to UFOs finally convinced him.

Crisman went to the location of the UFO incident on Maury Island to see the metal parts. Upon arriving at the scene, he saw a ship flying above him. He left the place and gave notice to the authorities.

This case is emblematic for modern ufology because it witnesses the appearance of the “men in black” for the first time. At the beginning of the investigation, a man dressed in black visited Dahl and Crisman to invite them to breakfast.

During breakfast, the strange visitor did not ask any questions about what happened. He only told them the story that they had to tell if they were asked about the UFO incident.

As expected, it was a completely different story from the real events. If they did not do so, they and their family would pay the consequences.

The loggers disobeyed and sent samples of the rubble collected and a letter to the journalist Ray Palmer, telling what happened. Palmer hired expert Kenneth Arnold to do an investigation.

Arnold went to the island, asked questions and examined the ship manned by Dahl.

Then he turned to Captain Lee Davidson and Lieutenant Frank Brown, who interviewed Dahl and Crisman for several hours. Davidson and Brown could not do much, since soon they died in a plane crash.

Puzzled by the death of the military, Dahl and Crisman said the officers took away some metallic remains. That it was a coincidence that they died that way.

Many people believed that it was a government conspiracy to hide the UFO incident on Maury Island. It was said that the B-25 plane in which Davidson and Brown died on purpose was shot down.

Of course, the American Air Force denied it.

In response, the army and the FBI said that everything had been a montage of loggers to gain notoriety. Even the FBI threatened to accuse them of fraud if they did not leave the matter, which involved two dead officers.

Thereafter, witnesses stopped talking about the issue in the media.

Years later, Fred Crisman was interviewed by a magazine and reassured that everything was true. Also the UFO expert journalist Kenneth Arnold spoke again.

He included the UFO incident on Maury Island in a compilation book of sightings. In 2014, the filmmaker Scott Schaefer produced a documentary based on declassified FBI files.

In this documentary new lights are thrown about the mysterious event.



Source: Nvinoticias