Passengers Fear for Their Lives as the Plane Experiences Frightening Turbulence

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Moments of terror were those that lived the passengers of a commercial flight that went from Kosovo to Switzerland and that was shaken violently by a strong turbulence. Shocking scene was recorded on video and went viral after being shared on YouTube.

The incident took place on Sunday June 16 in a Boeing 737-300 of ALK Airlines and, although the flight landed without problems, it left 10 injured.

As you can see in the clip uploaded to YouTube, the hostesses went down the aisle to offer drinks and snacks to the crew. It was at that precise moment that the plane’s public address rang. It was the pilot, who noticed that they were about to cross an area of ​​turbulence, so he asked the passengers to remain seated with their belts buckled.

Seconds later, the vehicle began to tremble. Slowly the movements began to get stronger to the point of giving a strong shake, causing one of the hostesses to shoot out crashing violently against the ceiling.

The passengers could not help but scream at the terror of the violent movement. This is demonstrated by the recording made by a traveler.

Finally, the flight arrived on the ground, although with several injured people who had to be transferred to the hospital due to bruises and burns. The latter caused by the burning drinks that fell on some of the tourists, according to the US television network abc 7.

Video uploaded to YouTube a few hours ago accumulated more than one million views.

Source: Trome