One Hundred Soldiers Have Died Since 1980 in Air Accidents in Spain

Some of the air accidents with the most serious military victims registered in Spain in recent years have been:

May 28, 1980: Eleven soldiers die when a Hercules C-130 military transport aircraft of the Air Force, from the base of Zaragoza, crashes in the upper part of the island of Gran Canaria.

The plane had taken off from Los Rodeos airport, in Tenerife, and planned to stop in Las Palmas to pick up seventy soldiers bound for the Peninsula. However, half an hour later, the military plane lost all contact with the control tower of the Gando airport, when it was already flying over the island of Gran Canaria.

March 2, 1981: Four soldiers of the 43 Group of the Air Forces who were crewing a Canadair-type amphibious twin-engine aircraft, model CL-215, die when the Buendía swamp rushes into the apparatus, in the area of ​​La Dehesa, in Cañaveruala ( Basin, watershed, catchment area, socket, bowl, hollow).

The military belonged to the Torrejón de Ardoz air base and were conducting practices for the extinction of forest fires the Icona.

February 28, 1984: 18 soldiers die when a C-130 Hercules plane from the US air forces crashes in the municipality of Borja (Zaragoza), near Moncayo.

The plane, which came from a base that the United States had in the vicinity of Frankfurt (Germany), had left Zaragoza and when it flew over a place called La Albardilla, belonging to the Borja term, it hit a hill about 400 meters high , about two short minutes from the point planned for the launch of the 10 paratroopers.

July 19, 1986: Four people die when a Douglas DC-6B State Security plane crashed, working on a firefighting maneuver, against the eastern slope of the Puig de Llobregat mountain in Barcelona.

September 9, 1988: Four soldiers die in the accident of a Canadair CL-215 Air Force aircraft, highlighted at the Santiago de Labacolla airport and employed in firefighting, in Santiago de Compostela due to a failure on the motorcycle when he was heading to Ourense to put out a fire.

March 6, 1991: Five killed in the accident of a T-12 aviocar of the Air Force. A T-12 aircraft from the Air Force belonging to the Matacán air base in Matacán crashed in “La umbría del moro”, the municipality of Pinofranqueado (Las Hurdes, Cáceres). The five crew members died: a captain, a second lieutenant and three sergeants.

July 6, 1994: Five people die in an accident of a 32P Antonov helicopter in the Sierra de Mariola, between the provinces of Alicante and Valencia, while serving in the extinction of a decreed fire. –

November 16, 1994: A UH-10 helicopter belonging to the Maneuver Helicopter Battalion number VI based in Los Rodeos (Tenerife) crashed during maneuvers in the Barranco de la Herradura (Fuerteventura), after touching a power line of high voltage. Seven soldiers, four of them legionaries, died in the accident.

February 5, 1998: Five dead when an aviocar crashed, belonging to squadron 803 of the Air Rescue Service (SAR) of the Air Force, in the area of ​​Pinilla del Valle (Madrid). ”

March 12, 1998: Three military men die when the aircraft model CASA C-212-A1 Aviocar 200 of the Army of the Aiere falls when it was conducting an intruction flight between the Madrid base of Torrejón de Ardoz and Villanubla, in Valladolid. The device rushed to the ground in the Valladolid town of La Cistérniga.

March 20, 2000: Seven soldiers die when the plane in which they were traveling, a C-212 Aviocar of the Air Force, rushed in the Prado de Cubillero area, in the municipality of Herrería (Guadalajara).

January 21, 2002: Three soldiers die when the helicopter in which they were traveling in Soto del Real (Madrid) crashes after maneuvering.

March 25, 2003: Two sergeants die in the accident of the Canadair CL-215 plane – known as “botijos” – which rushed into the sea in the bay of Pollensa (Palma de Mallorca).

September 2, 2005: A captain of the Air Force dies when the C-101 crashed against a house in Baeza (Jaén), where a woman and her eight-month-old daughter were found, who also died. –

January 29, 2007: Three soldiers die and one more is seriously injured in the accident of a Cougar helicopter of the Army, in the Navarre town of Sesma.

January 20, 2009: Two captains and a lieutenant of the Air Force die when two Mirage F-1 fighters crash when they were performing a training exercise in the province of Albacete.

August 24, 2010: A lieutenant colonel of Saudi Arabia who participated in an instructional flight with a Eurofighter fighter aircraft at the base of Morón (Seville) dies. The pilot, a Spanish military man, managed to save himself.

April 26, 2012: Two military occupiers of a C-101 fighter jet that had left the General Air Academy of San Javier (Murcia) died and crashed in Meco (Madrid).

November 2, 2012: A deceased soldier and another seriously injured in an accident of an F-5 fighter plane (AE9-025) of the Air Force around the Talavera la Real air base (Badajoz).

March 20, 2014: Four soldiers, two pilots and two mechanics, lost their lives in an accident of an AS 332 ‘Supere Puma’ aircraft of the 802 squadron of the Air Force, based in Gando (Gran Canarias). The aircraft performed routine practices 30 miles off the coast of Fuerteventura.

June 9, 2014: A captain of the Air Force dies when the Eurofighter model plane crashes shortly after taking off from the Morón de la Frontera air base (Seville).

January 27, 2015: A Greek F-16 fighter jet crashes while participating in NATO exercises at the Los Llanos air base (Albacete), which causes ten deaths and leaves 21 other people injured, none of them Spanish. The F-16 lost power during takeoff and ended up rushing against the ground.

October 22, 2015: Three soldiers die in the accident of a helicopter of the Air Rescue Service (SAR) 2080 miles from Gran Canaria, an AS 332 ‘Supere Puma’ of the 802 squadron, based in Gando.

October 12, 2017: A captain dies in the accident of a fighter in Los Llanos (Albacete) when he returned from participating in the parade of the National Day Festival in Madrid with three other aircraft of the Wing 14.

October 17, 2017: A lieutenant dies in the accident of an F18 fighter of the Air Force at the air base of Torrejón de Ardoz (Madrid). The aircraft precipitated after performing the take-off maneuver due to a mechanical failure in one of the engines.

April 3, 2019: Nine soldiers are injured when they leave the runway of the Jaca Aerodrome a C-295 aircraft of the 35th Wing of the Air Force that participated in the Aragon Exercise 2019, during the natural disaster drill carried out by the Unit Military Emergency (UME) in Huesca.

August 26, 2019: The pilot of the C-101 Air Force aircraft that conducted an instructional flight in the Mediterranean Sea in front of La Manga del Mar Menor dies.

September 18, 2019: An instructor commander and a student of the General Air Academy die after crashing their elementary teaching aircraft Tamiz in the Mar Menor.


Source: 20minutos