Mexico will Send a Satellite to Space

The Popular Autonomous University of Puebla has been working on a project since 2017 to take to space a nanosatellite created 100% by Mexicans, with the help of the Institute’s Engineering Faculty, the University of Coahuila and the Mexican Space Agency.

It had been confirmed that the satellite would be launched in October, now there is an exact date for the satellite to be put into orbit.

It will be from NASA’s Cape Canaveral Station, as part of the SpaceX-19 mission that may be made possible by a launch with the Falcon-9 rocket by Elon Musk that is scheduled for December 4.

The purpose of the nanosatellite is to improve communications on GlobalStar satellites, and thus improve the transmission of data to the planet.

This is the first modern Mexican satellite created entirely in the country.

But for UPAE P and for NASA, the satellite’s potential is greater.

After Aztechsat-1 passed the NASA tests, the special programs manager of the NASA Advanced Systems Division, Andrés Martínez, said the satellite has the potential to detonate an entire space industry in Mexico.

With an investment exceeding 600 thousand dollars, the satellite will revolve around the planet every 40 minutes and will be in orbit just over a year.

At the end of its operation it will enter the atmosphere and disintegrate in the process.

The Aztechsat-1 was supported by the Mexican Space Agency and the National Council of Science and Technology over the years.



Source: Canal10