Lawsuit Against American Airlines and LATAM for Operating at Havana Airport

American Airlines and Latam Airlines were sued in Miami on Wednesday under a US law that allows prosecuting those who operate goods nationalized by the Castro revolution in 1959, according to a copy of the complaint.

José Ramón López Regueiro, son of the owner of the confiscated Havana airport , filed the lawsuit based on the US law Helms-Burton and in that document claims to be “the true owner of the José Martí airport, the main one in Cuba,” according to the Council Economic and Commercial United States-Cuba, a business association, which delivered the copy of the action to AFP.

Since the nationalization “many airlines, including companies based in the United States, have used the airport regularly to transport goods and passengers,” said the Council and added that, in total, some forty companies could be prosecuted.

“Everyone has received a notice to cease (from using the airport) or will be prosecuted,” he adds.

In a tweet, the Cuban ambassador to the United States said it is an irony that “heir to the dictators Fulgencio Batista presents litigation against US companies.”

American Airlines travels to Cuba from the United States, while the Chilean-Brazilian company Latam does so from several South American cities.
Foreign investment is one of the priorities of the socialist island to develop an economy in crisis, and the Cuban government considers the Helms-Burton law to be extraterritorial and irrelevant.
Source: Larepublica