Israel’s Air Strikes in Iraq Complicated the Anti-ISIS Mission

A new report by the Chief Inspector General of the USA on the anti-ISIS coalition, Operation Unwavering Determination (OIR), has highlighted “tensions with Iran and the alleged Israeli air strikes”, as a complication for the OIR mission against ISIS in Iraq.

In addition, the report notes that the US Central Command I was worried that “Iran-backed forces in Syria could try to attack US military personnel. or their associated forces in Syria if they consider the US it is complicit in Israel’s attacks on its [Iran] forces.”

The US report He says that on July 19 there was the “first of several alleged attacks by Israeli remote-controlled airplanes in Iraq” and that he went to a “munitions depot” of the Popular Mobilization Forces (PMU) near Baghdad near Baghdad.

Israel received a broader mention than usual in the quarterly report of the Department of Defense that seems to indicate a growing concern.

“Tensions with Iran and the alleged Israeli air attacks complicate the OIR this quarter. According to the media, the alleged Israeli air attacks on Iraqi bases belonging to militias aligned with Iran this quarter exacerbated the continuing tensions between the United States and Iran and complicated the OIR mission.”

The report says it was based on open source “press reports” that claimed “that up to four air strikes were directed against PMU positions.”

This prompted the reprimand of members of the Iraqi parliament, “some of whom called for the withdrawal of US forces from Iraq.” Iraq imposed air restrictions in response.

The United States says that these restrictions “damage the ability of the Coalition to counter the threat of ISIS in Iraq.”

This included the impact on the Intelligence, Surveillance and Recognition (ISR) missions. Apparently, the State Department was not worried.

The US embassy tried to reduce the air restrictions imposed by the Iraqis. TO USA. He was concerned about the increase in calls for US forces. They will withdraw.

The Central Commander also noted an increase in the threat against US forces by groups aligned with Iran in Iraq.

“Iran-backed militias can see the United States as an accomplice to Israeli attacks, which attacked Iraqi militia bases that allegedly contained Iranian weapons.”

Iranian allied groups could also respond to US sanctions. PMU deputy Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, a designated terrorist who heads Kataib Hezbollah in Iraq, suggested that PMU needs an air force and blamed the United States and Israel.

The US report He is one of the first to explain all the concerns that affected both the role of the Coalition and that of CENTCOM and US diplomats.

The concern that made the US reducing the scale of some ISR missions to find ISIS is important. It also illustrates how Iran has exploited its hostility towards the United States to blame the United States on several fronts, using local units.

In general, USA He says that “there was no specific increase in the threat to US forces. in Syria by Iran this quarter,” but CENTCOM is concerned that Iran-related units may one day “retaliate” against the United States after blaming it for an alleged Israeli air strike.




Source: Israelnoticias