If You Heard There Was Going to be a Solar Eclipse on August 21, it was Fake News

If you were already getting ready for the solar eclipse of August 21, you have to know that there will be no such event and that you have been the victim of a fake news!

It was UNAM who denied the information, through a statement on social networks, ensuring that there will be no solar eclipse.

“The information circulating on the Internet and in social networks about a solar eclipse that would occur on August 21 is false. That event happened on August 21, 2017, and was seen in the United States and partially in Mexico,” said Daniel Flores Gutiérrez, academic technician of the Institute of Astronomy (IA) of the UNAM.

He also urged people to be careful with the information circulating on the Internet because he said “this is a clear example that there is some news that has no proven truth.”

It should be noted that Flores Gutiérrez is also responsible for the Yearbook of the National Astronomical Observatory and who develops in the AI ​​the calculation of astronomical hemispheric, movement of planets, as well as investigations of Meso-American and meteorological astronomy.

you will have to wait a few years for other eclipses because it will be until October 14, 2023 that there will be an annular eclipse visible from Yucatan, and on April 8, 2024, a total sun.

“The maximum will be visible in northern states of the Republic, between Chihuahua and Tamaulipas, at 6:20 p.m,” Gutierrez concluded.

So you know, you will have to be patient to be able to enjoy the next eclipses that are confirmed to be seen in Mexico.


Source: Elsoldemexico