Chile Sends Air Tractor Plane to Join the Fight Against Fire in the Amazon

The agriculture minister of the southern country, Antonio Walker, indicated that the plan is “lightning” and that if Brazil requests it, a team of brigade members will be sent.

Chile joins the fight against the Amazon fire. On Tuesday, the Government ordered the take off of the Air Tractor tanker to collaborate with the work of extinguishing the fire in the emergency zone.

The machine belongs to the National Forestry Corporation, an institution attached to the Ministry of Agriculture responsible for administering protected wild areas and fighting these types of accidents.

According to the information provided by the entity that collects CNN Chile, the Air Tractor (AT) 802F is a single-engine aircraft implemented with a helix and specially designed to fight forest fires. It has a capacity of 3 104 liters of water and flight autonomy of 3, 7 hours.

Antonio Walker, Minister of Agriculture, described the plan as “lightning” and indicated that no brigades will be sent at the moment because there is no knowledge of the land. However, if requested, there is a team of 30, he said.

“The president (Sebastián Piñera) is committed to helping, protecting and preserving these forests. That is why Chile has offered its help through Conaf,” Walker said.

According to the official, he maintained contact with the Minister of Agriculture of Brazil, Tereza Cristina Correa, five days ago and expressed his gratitude for the help sent. “They were delighted with our help. We were the first country that offered help to Brazil,” he said.

Cristián Nobacic, an academic from the Faculty of Agronomy and Forestry Engineering UC, told La Tercera that Chile’s help “can be important”; However, “there is an issue with the health of the brigade members. They have to have the appropriate vaccines, clothing protections against the bite of poisonous snakes,” he warned.



Source: Larepublica