US Bombs Iranian Militia Positions Following Death of US Soldiers

Some of which Donald Trump authorized the Army’s response after the attack on the Iraqi base Taji, where two US soldiers and a British died, the United States Air Force attacked the militia positions of the Shiite group Kataib Hezbollah, backed by Iran, on Thursday, RT reported.

These actions are in response to the impact of 18 missiles launched yesterday, against the international coalition base in Taji, which left 3 fatalities and at least 12 wounded, according to authorities.

“The United States carried out precision defensive attacks against Kataib Hezbollah facilities across Iraq,” reads a Pentagon statement.

According to official information, US aviation has bombarded five arsenals belonging to this Iraqi militia.

“These arms warehouses include facilities that housed weapons used to attack US and coalition troops,” it said.

From the Pentagon they have indicated that these are attacks of a “defensive, proportional nature and in direct response to the threat posed by the Shiite groups backed by Iran.”

Earlier this March 12, US Defense Secretary Mark Esper told the media that President Donald Trump had authorized the Pentagon to give a potential response to the missile attack on the Taji base.

The bombing of the Taji military base was recorded yesterday Wednesday.

“I have spoken to the president. He has given me the authority to do what we have to do, according to his guide. And, you know, if that is the case,” he told reporters.

According to the Pentagon, the attack was carried out by “Iran-backed Shiite militia groups.” However, so far no one has assumed responsibility for that event.

When asked by one of the journalists if Washington’s response could include attacks on targets located on Iranian territory, Esper said all options are being considered.

“All options are on the table, as we work with our partners to bring those responsible to justice and maintain deterrence,” he warned.

At the same time, he specified that at the moment the Pentagon is especially focused on “the groups” that, according to the US side, carried out said attack in Iraq.

Previously, the international coalition indicated that they are investigating the events in collaboration with the Iraqi Security Forces, which have already found the truck from which the missiles were launched.




Source: Laverdadnoticias