82 Kilos of Cocaine Seized Going From Argentina to Amsterdam

Argentine authorities seized 82 cocaine bricks of approximately one kilo each at the Ezeiza International Airport in the province of Buenos Aires, hidden in an airplane from Sao Paulo and with Amsterdam as the final destination, they informed Efe on Wednesday ( 01/15/2019) police sources.

The at least 82 kilos of confiscated drugs remained hidden between the pallets of the hold of an aircraft from the Brazilian city and which stopped in Argentina.

The finding occurred on Tuesday afternoon on the runway of the Minister Pistarini International Airport in a narcotics search operation conducted by Customs, which included the participation of more than 50 agents and five trained dogs.

In addition to this operation, the holder of the National Criminal Criminal Court 9, Javier López Biscayart, who was in charge of the case, ordered the Airport Security Police a series of records in different addresses of the city of Buenos Aires and its surroundings which took place this Wednesday.

The plane took off from KLM Cargo, heading for the Dutch capital at 5:10 p.m. local time (8:10 p.m. GMT), but Argentine authorities prevented it with a court order to requisition the aircraft.

The magistrate ordered the arrest of the three pilots and the other four people, including runway and cargo personnel who participated in the supply of the plane.

The seven arrested are still available to the Argentine Justice and López Biscayart plans to investigate them on Wednesday.

At the Ezeiza airport, the main air bridge in the southern country, another large seizure of cocaine that was going to be sent to Spain also took place last September.

Airport authorities found a total of 254 kilos of drugs, valued at 2.5 million dollars, hidden in suitcases in an airplane of the Air Europa company bound for Madrid.




Source: Dw