NASA Releases New Image and Causes a Sensation Over The “Man of Marree”

On June 26, 1998, a pilot from the Air Services Central discovered something surprising: the figure of a man drawn on the ground in southern Australia.

This drawing baptized as the “Man of Marree“, measures just over four kilometers, was made by man … but its origin is completely unknown.

How did it arrive, who did it and what does it mean?

These are some of the questions that scientists and researchers have asked themselves, and that now come up again with the new satellite image of Marree Man.

A couple of days ago, before ending 2019, the NASA shared a clearer picture of the Marree Man where you can clearly see a man holding a kind of rod, with outstretched arms, legs open and profile.

Some have interpreted it as an aboriginal hunter.

The aborigines of Australia form one of the oldest cultures in the history of man that, unlike many, has endured over time.

It was in the 16th century, in 1788, that the first fleet of British settlers arrived that excluded them from society and permanently damaged them (for example, they stole thousands of Aboriginal children).

In 2016, as reported by the official website of NASA and its Observatory, local people decided to “mark” the strokes of the Man of Marree to prevent the drawing from being lost with erosion and time although, as we mentioned, it takes more than two decades after it was discovered without knowing exactly when it was created.

It was in 2013 that they took action on the matter, as new images revealed that the figure was about to disappear.

Thus, three years later, it took five days to delineate it (using, surprisingly, GPS).

They also created wind grooves that trap water and subsequently help vegetation to grow.

However, what are the chances that this work is older or, otherwise, a modern work of art?

Since 2016, a subject from the area that owns a huge Australian company decided to start his own investigation.

The evidence led him to believe that the enormous drawing is more recent than it seems, and that it could have been traced by an artist named Alice Springs, Australian.

This man offered a reward for more information, but no one ever came.

The Marree Man reminds us a little of the famous crop circles or crop circles in England and the United States.

Overnight, perfect circles with other geometric figures such as triangles began to appear in fields in different places.

Many attribute the creation of these figures to extraterrestrial beings, but some research suggests that humans do them (in the middle of the night, with some apparatus as a pruner and in uncertain terrain).

These circles, as we say, have caused many doubts in people because of the difficulty and perfection of the strokes.




Source: Sopitas