What Happens When you Cross a Black Hole? The Mexican Physicist Working in the Large Hadron Collider Explains the Phenomenon

When talking about gravity, most people think of Isaac Newton and an apple falling from a tree, but few can imagine a network of tiny gravitational waves, which are time and space themselves.

The origin of these waves was more than 1,000 million years ago after the merger resulting from the collision of two black holes that disturbed space-time with an enormous power, causing that hundreds of thousands of years later, humans can have proof of their existence.

The finding recorded at dawn on September 14, 2015, within the framework of the LIGO project in which 18 countries participate, allowed the direct detection of gravitational waves, in addition to the observation of black holes.

“It is one of the most important advances so far in the 21st century. We were able to verify events that occurred when life began on Earth: two black holes that collided in space when life passed from single-celled organisms to multicellular and that when melting in the sky produced gravitational waves that we are now seeing”, emphasizes with affection the Mexican physicist Gerardo Herrera Corral, part of the ALICE project of the Large Hadron Collider at the European Center for Nuclear Research (CERN), in Geneva, Switzerland.

The observation not only demonstrated the existence of undulations of space and time, and the evidence of the existence of black holes, but “offers a new tool to explore the cosmos, a new way of doing astronomy will give us an image never seen before. Universe,” shares the researcher to RT.

“Our planet with its presence has deformed space and time to the degree of turning it into a sliding slide for objects that move near it.” says Gerardo Herrera Corral, associate researcher at CERN.

In this way, a door opened that Herrera Corral explores in the book ‘Black Holes and Gravitational Waves, a deep look at the Universe’, published in August by Sixth Floor, an editorial that has gained fame for its catalog in literary narrative and which now takes the step towards scientific publications.

In 187 pages, the scientist unravels that this new threshold makes it possible to understand what destiny means from the point of view of modern physics and banishes the idea that an invisible force that acts at a distance throws apples to the ground.

“Our planet with its presence has deformed space and time to the degree of turning it into a sliding slide for objects that move near it,” he explains.

Black holes are the most fascinating astrophysical objects in the sky because of their close link to infinity. Once they go through what happens inside, it is no longer linked to what we know of the Universe.

“The region of space occupied by a black hole emerges from the Universe, the object that has fallen there, has entered a completely disconnected region.” says Gerardo Herrera Corral, associate researcher at CERN.

“They concentrate a gigantic gravitational force, which has reached such a density that it generates something that is known as ‘the event horizon’ , a line that when it is crossed can no longer escape,” says Herrera when speaking of what reveals the constancy of The existence of black holes.

Not even light can come out of them, and this is not just a curiosity. “The region of space occupied by a black hole emerges from the Universe, the object that has fallen there has entered a region completely disconnected from our Universe,” explains the interviewee.

The fact uncovers infinity in a definitive line: “Once it crosses there is no turning back, all the options for the object that has fallen, disappear; there is only one option, which is to continue falling to the center of the black hole,” he adds .

From the scientific point of view, achieving the observation of a black hole confirms that gravitational waves are changes of time and space themselves.

In April of this year the photograph of a black hole was published for the first time, it is the first direct evidence that these objects exist and is considered the discovery of the century.

For Herrera, Science has a good approach to the macrocosm , with its galaxies, planets, stars, and also to the elementary atoms and particles that make up the microcosm. But we still have to develop the Theory of Everything.

“We think that there should be only one theory, not Quantum Mechanics to describe the microcosm and the General Theory of Relativity to study the macrocosm. We need to develop a theory that brings them together with the two with which we can understand everything, that is known as the Theory of Everything, and in that process we will learn a lot from the Universe that we still don’t know.”

“We need to develop a theory with which we can understand everything, which is known as the Theory of Everything.” says Gerardo Herrera Corral, associate researcher at CERN.

The eyes of this man, who works in the experiment that seeks to recreate the conditions that existed in the Universe when they had passed between 1 and 10 microseconds after the Big Bang, have observed the unthinkable.

“In the Physics career we studied things that we considered very speculative, that we were not going to be able to see them. Observe that many appear, such as gravitational waves exist and have just been measured, that we have the photograph of a black hole, that we have the photograph of the Universe when I was 300,000 years old, they have baffled me for good.”

In that statement, the Doctor of Science recharges the motive of publishing ‘Black Hole and Gravitational Waves’: “With these events happening, I think it is important to tell people, that they know we are discovering, learning about the Universe.”


Source: ActualidadRT