The 11 Strangest Things in the Universe that Astronomers Know but You Don’t

The universe is rare and, for the moment, quite unknown to the ordinary human.

However, scientists and astronomers are fortunate to, through their research and experiments, have a record of a long list of curious and incredible phenomena that occur throughout the galaxy.

Thanks to Livescience we remind you of the most outstanding.

Fast bursts of radio

They are one of the strangest phenomena in the universe. Each burst, ultra-strong and ultra-bright, lasts only a few thousandths of a second and seems to come from a place far beyond our galaxy, the Milky Way.

Since its first discovery, in 2007, its cause has been a mystery. Based on the calculations of known frequency bands and on the understanding of the activity of the universe, scientists assume that almost a thousand a day are produced.

Nuclear paste

It is the toughest and toughest material of how many exist in the universe and is formed with the material that remains when a neutron star explodes.

To give you an idea, according to the calculations of the scientists, to break this compound you would need to apply 10 billion times the force you use to break the steel.

Haumea and its rings

This planet is already curious in itself. It is “dwarf“, has a strange elongated shape, two moons and a day that lasts only 4 hours, which makes it a faster spinning planet in the solar system.

In 2017, scientists discovered extremely thin rings orbiting around them to complete the set.

Is there dark matter?

It is scientifically accepted that dark matter, an unknown substance that accounts for 85% of the matter in the universe, exists and is everywhere.

However, the discovery in 2018 of a galaxy that barely seemed to contain dark matter spurred those who, paradoxically, defend that dark matter does not exist at all.

The strangest star 

The KIC 846285 star or Tabby star has a striking peculiarity: it blinks and fades for a few days, before returning to its usual brightness in a completely unpredictable pattern.

Theories about it include swarms of comets, fragments of destroyed planets, clouds of dust or even an ‘alien mega-structure’ that encompasses the star to drain its resources.

The most peculiar moon

The title to the strangest moon is taken by Hyperion, Saturn’s satellite, an irregular rock similar to a sponge, full of craters. NASA’s Cassini space probe, which visited Saturn’s system between 2004 and 2017, also discovered that Hyperion was charged with a “particle beam” of static electricity flowing into space.

The first neutrino 

The high-energy neutrino that hit Earth on September 22, 2017, was not, by itself, so extraordinary. Physicists at the IceCube Neutrino Observatory in Antarctica see neutrinos of similar energy levels at least once a month.

Astronomers discovered that it had been thrown to Earth 4 billion years ago by a blazing blaze, a super-massive black hole in the center of a galaxy that had been consuming surrounding material.


The ghost galaxy DGSAT I is an ultra-diffuse galaxy (UDG), which means it is as large as a conventional galaxy, but its stars extend so thin that it is almost invisible.

DGSAT I breaches the theories that state that all the ultra-diffuse galaxies studied previously were in clusters of galaxies, so it was thought that they were “normal” galaxies in the past but that over time they became spongy chaos due to violent phenomena suffered inside the cluster.

But DGSAT I is a rare exception, since it is an ultra-diffuse galaxy found far from a cluster, so it can offer a clearer picture of its past

Expansion of the universe 

Massive objects bend the light, enough so that they can distort the image of the things behind them.

When the researchers used the Hubble Space Telescope to detect a quasar of the primitive universe, they used it to estimate the rate of expansion of the universe and discovered that it is expanding faster today than then.

Infrared flow from space 

Neutron stars are extremely dense objects formed after the death of a star. Normally, they emit radio waves or higher energy radiation such as X-rays.

However, in September 2018, astronomers discovered a long flow of infrared light from a neutron star 800 light-years from Earth, something never before observed.

The researchers concluded that a dust disk surrounding the neutron star could be generating the signal, but the final explanation has not yet been found.

Planet “Brown Dwarf”

Throughout the galaxy there are planets that have been thrown away from their mother star by gravitational forces. A peculiar one within this section is SIMP J01365663 + 0933473 or “brown dwarf”, a planet 200 light years away whose magnetic field is 200 times stronger than Jupiter’s.

This is strong enough to generate intermittent auroras in its atmosphere, which can be seen with radio telescopes.



Source: Elconfidencial