Airline Co-Pilot Causes Outrage by Hoping a Bomb Falls on the City

A message written by a co-pilot of the Mexican airline Interjet, baptized as ‘Lady Bomba‘, has outraged the social networks, after it was pronounced in favor of a bomb falling into the Zocalo, as the main square is known of Mexico.

The young woman made this comment in the context of the celebrations for the independence of the Aztec country , since the aforementioned place is from where Mexican President Manuel Lopez Obrador led the traditional “Grito de la Independencia”.

The criticized message was published from the Twitter account of the user Xiime Garcia. “A bomb should drop in the socket…it would do us all a favor. #Viva México,” she said.

Her pronouncement generated the outrage of a large number of users. The airline itself , where the young woman works as a co-pilot , was forced to issue a statement describing what her employee wrote as “unacceptable.”

Interjet regrets the unacceptable publication on social networks attributed to one of its collaborators, which does not represent the values, vision, or position of the company,” he said.

The stir that caused the publication of the young woman also came to the ears of Gerardo Fernández Noroña, deputy of the Labor Party, who proposed to his countrymen “refuse to get on a plane that goes as co-pilot Ximena García.”

In retaliation, on the Internet they sarcastically baptized the co-pilot as ‘Lady Bomba‘ and asked the airline to take action against him. “Every day a plane flies,” recalled user Jorge Gómez Naredo.

For its part, Interjet reiterated that it is “reviewing the situation internally” and reaffirmed that it has “a culture of tolerance towards violence and a 100% commitment to security at all levels”.

Comunicado Interjet



Source: Larepublica