UPDATE: Hurricane Dorian Cyclone Undergoes Drastic Change in its Passage Along the US Coasts

Devastating phenomenon, Hurricane Dorian has caused the evacuation of three million people in the United States. The latest reports from meteorological services indicate that the trajectory of the tropical cyclone is located on the coasts of North Carolina and that at dawn on Friday it fell to category 1.

The cyclone that initially passed through the Bahamas is now less catastrophic, but continues to cause damage to the American population.

It arrived in Florida, then passed over Georgia and now affects the two Carolina.

According to data from the National Hurricane Center (NHC), based in Miami, Dorian travels along the coasts of the southwestern United States with winds of 150 km/h, and is expected to weaken as it moves towards the Atlantic towards New Atlantic Scotland.

The hurricane surpasses the Outer Banks of North Carolina, in the United States. The governor of that state, Roy Cooper, said that “Dorian’s power has come to North Carolina with wind, rain and tornadoes,” El País cited.

The cyclo arrived in the early morning of last Thursday to South Carolina, passed 110 kilometers from the city of Charleston with winds of 115 km / h. Its ferocity caused storm surge between 1.2 and 2.4 meters, according to meteorological services.

The authorities of the United States have evacuated more than three million people in Florida, Georgia and Carolina to avoid what happened in Bahamas, where the power of the hurricane reached Category 5 and caused the death of 30 citizens and hundreds missing.

The hurricane Dorian developed from a tropical wave in the central Atlantic on 24 August. It is the most catastrophic tropical cyclone of the season, according to the National Hurricane Center (NHC) in the United States.

Through Google Maps, you can see live the path of the hurricane that swept through several areas of the Bahamas and now continues along the American coast. Here the link.

It is the category 5 hurricane, the maximum, which arrives in Bahamas from Andrew in 1992. This time the phenomenon left damages of up to 27 billion dollars and 26 people dead, says CNN. In turn, it is the second in the list of wind speed in storms.

It is considered, for the moment, as the strongest storm on every planet in this year. It made landfall last Sunday night, while advancing dangerously to the United States coast.

The Bahamas Eyewitness News media reported the death of an 8-year-old boy as a result of his devastating step.

The destruction of buildings and homes submerged by floods was reported in the Elbow Cay, Man-o-War and Marsh Harbor sectors of Abaco Islands. For its part, the northeast of the Bahamas will record rains of up to 61 centimeters, according to the NHC.

“Residents on Grand Bahama Island should not leave their shelter when the eye passes, as winds will increase rapidly on the other side of the eye. Residents in the Abacos should continue in their shelter until conditions diminish.”, The weather entity said.

Dorian set foot on the Atlantic island on the last Sunday, September 1 and left at least 30 dead and hundreds missing.



Source: Larepublica