Venezuela Denounces New United States Air Raid

The Bolivarian National Armed Forces (FANB) of Venezuela also accused through the social network Twitter to the United States of wanting to create an “incident” with these practices.

Caracas. The Bolivarian National Armed Forces (FANB) denounced on Thursday a new United States air raid in the space of Venezuela and accused the American country of wanting to create an ” incident ” with these practices.

“The United States with its EP3 aircraft insists on creating operational risk conditions, once again entering the flight information region (FIR) without complying with the protocols established in international treaties.

This irresponsible aggression seeks an incident, ” said the FANB on the social network Twitter.

In another message the military body called “alert” because, he said, “imperial provocations continue on Venezuela.”

From this country, free, impregnable and peaceful, the #FANB again rejects the violation of FIR Venezuela, the interference efforts continue; respect Venezuela and the world,” the institution continued.

The military leadership also accused the Donald Trump Administration of employing “countless criminal methods based on economic and financial blockades” to “take over the world .”

Nicolás Maduro’s regime denounced on July 22 that a US spy plane made another incursion into Venezuelan airspace, amid the accusations crossed between the two countries for a similar episode occurred Friday in the Maiquetía flight region.

At this moment that I am talking with you, dear sisters and dear brothers, at this very moment, the same or a similar aircraft, the so-called EP-30, is once again venturing into the Maiquetía flight information region“, Information Minister Jorge Rodríguez said in a televised address.

Three days before, according to the version of the so-called Bolivarian revolution, a Russian-made Sukhoi SU-30 aircraft intercepted and expelled an American aircraft from the skies of Venezuela.

The Southern Command of the United States then said that its EP-3 aircraft “was carrying out a recognized and approved mission in international airspace over the Caribbean Sea,” and that the Venezuelan aircraft “followed it aggressively.”


Source: ElComercio