Russia will Build 200 More Sukhoi Aircraft Despite Accident

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Russia prepares to manufacture about 200 Sukhoi Superjet 100 (SSJ100) aircraft, despite the uncertainty among users and operators regarding this family of aircraft after the recent Aeroflot accident that left 41 people dead.

According to Denis Manturov, Russia’s minister of industry and commerce, the accident involving the Russian aircraft did not affect its demand, which is between 25 and 30 aircraft per year, an amount lower than estimated due to competition in Russia. the narrow fuselage sector.

“The catastrophe did not affect our clients, neither the potential ones nor those who already have a contract,” the minister told Reuters.

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In detail, the Russian government spent two billion dollars on the development and production of the SSJ100. Thus, since 2011 that has been in operation, the state company has completed the production of 200 aircraft.

Although, the minister did not inform more about the production, the time that it will take or the possible buyers, assured that they maintain an order of Aeroflot by other 100 airplanes and of the Thai transporter Thai Kom Airlines, contract by six of these jets.

Recently, the Interstate Aviation Committee (IAC) of Russia noted that the SSJ100 of Aeroflot, involved in the plane crash at Sheremetyevo International Airport in Moscow, shows typical damage caused by the impact of lightning. However, the investigations have not yet concluded.

Source: A21