Prophecy About Aliens Causes A Stir As The Day Approaches

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There have been many prophecies like “mediums”.

A prophecy is that prediction about an event that will occur in the future … Throughout the passage of time there have been many prophecies as “mediums”, who have been successful in facts like many others do not.

Perhaps some remember that prophecy based on the Mayan calendar, where many spiritualists claimed that on December 21, 2012 the world would end … which never happened.

According to the Mundo Prehispánico news portal, there is currently a new prophecy that has begun to cause expectations because what it suggests is that next July 20, the aliens will visit the earth

To speak of the origin of this prediction we have to mention Chico Xavier, a Brazilian medium. Francisco Cándido Xavier, popularly known as Chico Xavier, always assured that from a very young age he lived accompanied by a spirit called “Enmanuel”, who predicted that on July 20, 2019, the aliens would have contact with humans.

According to Chico Xavier, this spirit is who always supervised his work as a medium and who transmitted what he had to write in the 451 books. For the same reason, Chico Xavier never accepted the money raised from the sale of his books and instead donated it to different non-profit associations. An example, the Brazilian Spiritist Federation.

Chico Xavier, came to sell more than 40 million copies translated into 33 languages ​​and 30 books in Braille.


Prophecy About Aliens Causes A Stir As The Day Approaches

According to Chico Xavier, this spirit is who always supervised his work as a medium. (Esoteric and Paranormal World)

