Russia plans to reconstruct 12 airfields in the Arctic zone by 2024

Russia airfieldRussia plans to reconstruct 12 of its 39 airfields in the Arctic zone by 2024. The project will cost 39 billion rubles (590 million USD). This follows from a comprehensive plan for the modernization and expansion of trunk infrastructure for the period up to 2024, said Deputy Director of the Department of State Policy in the Field of Civil Aviation of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation, Ilya Belavintsev, during the VIII International Forum “The Arctic: Present and Future”.

“A comprehensive plan for the modernization and expansion of the trunk infrastructure for the period up to 2024, approved by the Russian government, involves the reconstruction of 12 of the 39 airfields located in the Arctic zone for 39 billion rubles”, said Ilya Belavintsev.

In particular, the Arkhangelsk region will invest up to 2030 more than 2.9 billion rubles in the reconstruction of two airports in the region, Solovki, and Talagi said Deputy Minister of Transport of the Arkhangelsk region Oleg Mishukov.

“The authorities of the Arkhangelsk region plan to invest 2.9 billion rubles in the development of design and estimate documentation for the reconstruction of the Solovki airport complex, and 181.5 million rubles in the reconstruction of the air hub of the Arkhangelsk international airport Talagi”, said Oleg Mishukov.