Air Kyrgyzstan interested in buying Russian passenger aircraft SSJ 100 and MC-21

MC-21 aircraftAir Kyrgyzstan is interested in buying Russian passenger aircraft SuperJet 100 (SSJ 100) and Irkut MC-21. The consultations are underway, revealed the Deputy Prime Minister Arkady Dvorkovich.

“Of course, the questions are temporary, technological and financial, because it is necessary to work out a scheme for such deliveries. There is some sense in the supply of new aircraft that have not already been flown: they have been checked, have passed a certain cycle of service. I hope that a solution will be found. Irkut MC-21 is a perspective in any case. I think that our colleagues will be convinced of its competitiveness and will be able to make a decision”, said Arkady Dvorkovich.

Later, the director of the airline Air Kyrgyzstan Zholdoshbek Bekturganov said that a preliminary agreement was reached on the acquisition of two Russian aircraft.

In November last year, the company suspended operations because of the fact that its only liner is under repair. On the eve of Russian Deputy Prime Minister Arkady Dvorkovich said that consultations are being conducted with the Air Kyrgyzstan on the acquisition of two new models.

“Now it is clarified on what terms we will acquire equipment. Russia usually provides relief to foreign companies that carry out flights to its territory, for example, 30% of the cost of aircraft is paid by the Russian government”, explained Zholdoshbek Bekturganov.

“While we are talking about two aircraft, but in the future, subject to discounts, the company plans to purchase another 10 airliners in the same way. The Irkut MC-21 aircraft will be launched this year, it can be delivered to us until 2020”, added the director. According to open data, the SuperJet 100 (SSJ100) is estimated at 30-35 million USD, and the Irkut MC-21 at 70-80 million USD.