Analysis of human factor in commercial aviation

commercial aviationThe commercial aviation industry has realized that human error, rather than mechanical failure, underlies most aviation accidents and incidents. The analysis of the human factor as a cause of them is mandatory to ensure safety and reliable aviation. It very important to analyze the relations between the people and the systems they are working, in order to improve safety and performance.

In commercial aviation, the human factors is mostly directed to better understanding how crew can most safely and efficiently be integrated with the technology on board of the aircraft. That understanding is then translated into design, training, policies, or procedures to help humans perform better, ensuring the safety of passengers.

Despite of the rapid development of technology, the humans and crew are ultimately responsible for ensuring the success and safety of the aviation industry. They must be aware to react accordingly and to make fast accurate decision, following the procedures of the airline.

The methodology for human factor analysis has several purposes, as follows:
– Creating a consistent, appropriate and understandable algorithm for analysis and classification of the human factor of the air traffic controllers and airplane crew that can be routinely used in the investigation of aviation incidents with the contribution of the Air Traffic Services authority;
– Familiarization with air traffic controllers and airplane crew with the human factors that can lead to aviation incident with their participation and possible positive result – increase of the psychological training of the air traffic controllers and crew in the Air Traffic Services;
– Detection of unfavorable trends in vocational training and opportunities of air traffic controllers to be avoided in the future, following appropriate recommendations;
– Creating a specific algorithm that allows the definition of air traffic controllers and crew action as a discrepancy with operating procedures.

Analyzing of all these data will provide more accurate and reliable procedures for operations, which will ensure the safety of commercial aviation.

The academic science journal provides a lot of researches about the human factor in commercial aviation.