British Airways and Amadeus are jointly testing the new One Order standard of IATA

British Airways planeBritish Airways and Amadeus are jointly testing the new One Order standard proposed by IATA. The new One Order standard was created specifically to address the problem of adapting the rules and procedures of management and accounting that exist in companies. The pilot project is now in an active phase.

“Any innovations that help get rid of unnecessary workflow and simplify the process of organizing travel are always happily accepted by the tourism industry. That is why we are proud of the role of a partner with British Airways in the pilot project for the implementation of the new One Order standard proposed by the IATA Association. Every day, airlines are selling more and more additional services, using constantly improving methods of merchandising”, says the press release of Amadeus.

Such an expansion of the assortment requires appropriate adaptation of the rules and procedures of management and accounting that exist in companies. The new One Order standard was created specifically to solve this problem. Its capabilities allow in a real-time mode to provide structured information on revenues to the units responsible for accounting.

The One Order standard, developed with the active participation of industry players, replaces the disparate methods of booking, issuing tickets and accounting for services provided, replacing them with a single order management process. The introduction of this standard involves the use of a single travel document, which in the long term will allow you to gradually get rid of the maintenance of a significant amount of unnecessary records. The results of this pilot project will be transferred to the IATA Association and other industry players, thereby creating the basis for further refinement of the standard. The introduction of new standards in such a complex industry as the travel industry requires time and the active participation of all industry players.

“Cooperation with British Airways will allow us to test all the elements of the One Order process, taking advantage of our technological solutions and the capabilities of the British Airways traffic management systems. Our unique experience in developing technology solutions for the travel industry will allow us to evaluate all the operational and financial aspects of the proposed IATA standard One Order in the framework of joint work with the module Revenue Accounting, covering all the elements of the process, from the formation of proposals to the preparation of financial statements”, noted Amadeus.