Praying For World Leaders To Stop The Escalation Of Violence With Iran

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The United States said the missile attacks against Iraqi bases did not cause casualties.

US President Donald Trump has announced new and “powerful” economic sanctions against Iran, while urging world powers to “break” with the 2015 nuclear agreement with Iran, to renegotiate a new pact.

“While we continue to evaluate options, the United States will immediately impose additional sanctions against the Iranian regime, until Iran changes its behaviour,” he said.

Iran’s attack on these bases in Iraq is the first response to the assassination of Iranian General Qasem Soleimaní, last week, near Baghdad airport.

Trump said that after the launch of the missiles, “Iran seems to be withdrawing, which is a good thing for all interested parties and something very good for the world.”

However, he added: “We must all work together towards an agreement with Iran that makes the world a safer and more peaceful place.”

Regarding the attack launched yesterday morning against Iraqi bases, which house US troops, the ruler said there were no “fatal casualties” and that the material damage was “minimal.”

“No Americans suffered damage. We have not suffered fatal casualties, ”Trump said in his statement to the nation from the White House. 

Finally, Trump sent a conciliatory message: “EE. UU. He is prepared to embrace peace with all those who seek it. ”

They ask for an end to violence

For his part, the Secretary General of the United Nations, António Guterres, insisted that world leaders stop the escalation of violence.

Praying For World Leaders To Stop The Escalation Of Violence With Iran

“On Monday, the secretary general made a burning appeal for peace. Your message to world leaders was simple: Stop climbing. Exercise maximum moderation. Reset the dialogue. They renew international cooperation, ”said spokesman Stéphane Dujarric, and insisted that this call“ today remains as important as Monday. ”

Praying For World Leaders To Stop The Escalation Of Violence With Iran

Dujarric explained that Guterres will continue his “active” contacts with relevant actors to try to reduce tension. “It is our common duty to make every effort to avoid a war in the Gulf,” he said.

Praying For World Leaders To Stop The Escalation Of Violence With Iran